Cotta designed and manufactured this speed increaser, which is being used in an industrial test stand application. The gearbox, which has a ratio of 1 : 9.7015 and a max shaft RPM of 20,000, is one of many high-speed gearboxes that Cotta has designed and manufactured over the past 50 years. Cotta supplies some of the largest OEM companies in the world with high-speed gearboxes for R&D and production test stand applications.
Cotta’s library of Product Specification Sheets, and Catalog for High-Speed Gearboxes, helps to make the process easier for customers when searching for high-speed gearbox solutions. The High-Speed Gearbox models shown in the catalog do not reflect an absolute product list, as the catalog is intended to help summarize Cotta’s capability and to help generate ideas. Cotta’s engineers and designers work with customers to develop solutions, and then deliver drawings in virtually any CAD format to drop into the customer’s own design. Cotta’s existing product designs, and experienced engineering team can take virtually any transmission application from concept to delivery.
Library of Product Specification Sheets
High-Speed Gearbox Application Form